Krishna witnessed a lot, he also performed his duties, and it is said that through thick and thin, the smile never left his face. It was a state of pure bliss, the expression of Truth.
You will find inspiring stories of fantastic messengers, be that of Jesus, Nanak, Buddha, or any of the others.
So we can only say that obviously there are lots of possibilities being discussed today, about proof of ancient civilizations with technology, the possibility of advanced science, the possibility of space crafts or UFO that were there and even now, the proof of Yeti, the possibility of aliens visiting earth, the possibility of human being coming from another planet, the possibility of getting access to the potions of immortality or long life, the possibility of aliens being some lords, angels etc as told in some scriptures, the possibility of our progress in science related to aliens, etc.
But isn't all of this childish? And it's getting crazier as people are imagining things everywhere. All non sense has broken loose now in the name of these things.
Does it matter if Adam and Eve came from another planet, or got created in some laboratory? Cloning and test tube babies are a reality, isn't it? Anyways the entire creation is somebody's expression, isn't it? We know how our bodies took shape in the laboratory of our mother's womb. Suppose a person leaves his village for the city, aren't bodies in a galaxy like that. What difference does it make? Stop chasing possibilities outside that are way beyond your reach and explore the possibility within. The possibility within is the ultimate.
You know, there are these proofs in scriptures in which fantastic beings come in their own ways, appear in front of advanced meditators, sages, seers, communicate with them and then disappear or go back. The seers never were intimidated and behaved in routine manner. Both exchanged normal salutations and greetings. Many times, they would also come to seek the wisdom, consultation of the seers. Obviously in our scriptures, in those days, these beings were doing a lot of work for human welfare on this planet, and they also had to fight battles with the sinful parties or asuras.
Having said that, devatas did not necessarily come in vimanas or spacecraft but most of them appeared and disappeared in thin air, they could travel through sky, walk upon water, and could increase or decrease their size, had powerful weapons, looked beautiful, blessed people, could change their form and mix among normal human beings, and most of them appeared in human form, more beautiful, smiling, blessing, and so on. Their language was Sanskrit. These incidents have been recorded in the Puranas.
These are siddhis such as laghima, garima, anima, etc. Many yogis and yoginis also have attained siddhis. But siddhis belong to the material plane only.
Everyone has truth within and that is the goal of being human. First, to seek, then to explore, and finally to live that.
