Silence, silence, silence
All that comes to you
Is Silence
All that happens in the darkness
Is silence
Become the silence
Be the silence
Live it
Silence stays
When you are born
Lots of sound
But deep within is silence
When u die
Again silence
Silence, silence, silence
Love is, life is
Silence dwells
And motion becomes minimal
Silence stops you, stays with you,
It is the unborn, always there
Whether u r there n not there
Silence, silence, silence
Silence is beyond sound,
And u can experience it
Even in the middle of the sound,
Silence halts u on your tracks,
Silence, Stillness,
Is beyond explanation,
If u have an experience,
That is material in nature,
A result of your mind,
Not Silence.
Truth is silence,
Silence is neither many nor one,
It is beyond numbers,
You stop here,
Meditation experiences cease,
But you can be a seer,
Silence, silence, silence.
Silence means stop,
You are always drenched in nectar,
Eyes closed or open,
Not much to see,
And yet the source of creation everywhere,
You can descend just a little bit,
And you experience love and divinity in every speck,
The seed of sound comes from silence,
Silence, silence, silence.
Silence is a realization
Ultimate realization
Yet beyond realization
Silence is beyond purity or measurement,
Silence is the eternal,
Silence is the ultimate union,
Rest are only looking here and there,
We know it as Mahakaala,
Silence, silence, silence.
Name of poet: Silence, Anaam
Place & Time: Shiva Somvaar (Monday), 2023 in the Himalaya
Alakh Nirajan!
